About me

Minha foto
Eu sou como uma moeda, dois lados, porém nunca iguais um escritor, ou seja 2 lados da moedas entaum teremos 2 lados do escritor e aki eu uso os dois :D

domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010


É pessoal esse eh o começo deste blog, primeira postagem.
Para começar eu vou postar uma das minhas musicas que ainda naum está pronta.
Demons Cry too

I see what I don’t want; I think I’m immortal;
But why I can’t do what I want?
Why I have emotion? Am I not a bad creature?
What is this drop on my face?
Why I can cry?!!Why I can cry??!!(Cry)[Gritado]

[Bass solo]

I see destruction!! I make the others suffer!
And feel a corruption in my heart
And a tear go out of my face BECAUSE!

DEMONS CAN CRY!!!!! (Demons don’t cry)
DEMONS CAN CRY!!!!! (Demons don’t cry)

[Guitar solo]

On a black sky, I begin a change (you need light)
Walking in a corrosive land, I trust I’m changing (walk alone)
Thinking you are my reason I make this water drop (Idiot)

In my hand have a axe, a head have a person (kill him)
On my side have Demon on the other an Angel (save him)
Two voices one choice! (Kill)(Save)
And this drop on my face!!!

DEMONS CAN CRY!!!!! (Demons don’t cry)              
DEMONS CAN CRY!!!!! (Demons don’t cry)

DEMONS CAN CRY!!!!! (Demons don’t cry)
DEMONS CAN CRY!!!!! (Demons don’t cry)

[Guitar solo]

por favor digam as suas opiniões!! xD

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